Not Peer Reviewed
- Edition: The Passionate Pilgrim
The Passionate Pilgrim (Octavo, 1599)
- Texts of this edition
- Facsimiles
132Pluckt in the bud, and vaded in the spring[.]
133Bright orient pearle, alacke too timely shaded,
135 Like a greene plumbe that hangs vpon a tree:
137I weepe for thee, and yet no cause I haue,
138For why: thou lefts me nothing in thy will[.]
139And yet thou lefts me more then I did craue,
140For why: I craued nothing of thee still:
142 O yes (deare friend I pardon craue of thee,
144VEnus with Adonis sitting by her,
145Vnder a Mirtle shade began to wooe him,
146She told the youngling how god Mars did trie her,
147And as he fell to her, she fell to him.
148Euen thus (quoth she) the warlike god embrac't me:
149And then she clipt Adonis in her armes:
150Euen thus (quoth she) the warlike god vnlac't me,
155And would not take her meaning nor her pleasure.
156 Ah, that I had my Lady at this bay:
158Crabbed age and youth cannot liue together,
159Youth is full of pleasance, Age is full of care,
160Youth like summer morne, Age like winter weather,
161Youth like summer braue, Age like winter bare.
163Youth is nimble, Age is lame
164Youth is hot and bold, Age is weake and cold,
165Youth is wild, and Age is tame.
166 Age I doe abhor thee, Youth I doe adore thee,
167 O my loue my loue is young: